Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How I decided to become Healthier... By adopting a healthy vegan diet

It was 10PM on Monday, February 15th 2010 that i bought the book that changed my life.
I was in Coral Gables, FL, waiting for my roommate to finish work to pick her up, and as I had half an hour to wait, I decided to go to Barnes and Nobles and look around the aisles for a new book...
I had put on some weight lately ( I have always been overweight and have been doing yo-yo with my weight all my life... I have never been FAT or OBESE but still, way too overweight for my taste, and after different diets and work outs, i ended up being kinda satisfied by 155lb for my 6'... but in the past months i had put on 20lb ... i quit smoking and have gone out a lot -diner-drinks etc... ) and i decided that I had to start again dieting in order to lose those extra pounds and be better looking in bikini for my SO expected vacations in Turks and Caicos islands ( in the Caribbeans ) ... and my summer in France.

So I was over the "diet books" area when I saw it.
It was there, laying on a shelf, among many other diet books... SKINNY BITCH !
I heard that title before, and I have picked it up many times at the book store but never bought it,... I am still wondering why ...

That day i also bought other books and when i got home, i started to read the first one I bought: "My horizontal life " by Chelsea Chandler .... Funny book ...
It took me maybe 2 or 3 weeks to read it ... ( im not much of a fast reader, do not have much time for it neither )

Then came the time of " Skinny Bitch " ...

I first bought it with the idea in mind that I will bring it to my sister back in France when I will be done with it... I had not read any review about it, I didn't know what the book was about, I didn't know what to expect ... ( except some diet stuff )

It was an afternoon before going to work ( I used to work in an Italian restaurant- delicious and the best in town for sure : Anacapri ) and i was laying down on my bed.
I pick up the book.
I had 30 min to "kill" before having to go to work.

I started reading ...

First thing I noticed : I LOVE the way those girls speak ( or write )... I find it Funny, Catchy, and REAL ! Like someone - a friend or a coach - is talking to you... It is very ALIVE , nothing to do with boring diets books ... ( even though i never read any before but I have an idea of how it is supposed to look like ).
I even remember telling my roommate who was in the living room : "This book is hilarious!" ( i said that in French though lol )

The book starts with a chapter called " GIVE IT UP ".
I start reading :
" You cannot keep eating the same shit and except to get skinny. Or smoke. "
I stop... and ask myself.... What does cigarette has to do with a diet ?????
I had quit 8 months ago, so i felt a relief that THAT was done already...
I keep reading ....
"Of course it's easier to socialize after you've had few drinks. But being a fat pig will hinder you, sober or drunk"
We all know that DRINKING IS BAD for any diet ... A glass of red wine a day is supposed to do some good to your body ... but a bottle of vodka has never helped anyone losing weight or being healthier... And at that point of my life, going out and partying a lot, I was drinking way too much and way too often...
What I like is that they explain in details what they affirm.
Why are beers and alcohol in general bad for your body... for your diet and health in general...
They go from common sense facts to scientific facts... but they write things a certain way and with certain words that even me, a 26 years old French girl, living in America for only 3,5years, i can fully understand ...

I like what i read ... I keep reading :
" Brace yourselves, girls: Soda is liquid Satan. It is the devil. It is garbage. There is nothing in soda that should be put into your body."
I think: "Good for me, I NEVER drunk soda in my whole life. "
I bought my first can of DIET COKE few weeks back.... and i have to say that diet coke was kinda addictive, and i was drinking maybe few glasses per day, i even started to buy bottles of COKE ZERO... ( Sorry for the detail, but as soon as i started drinking diet coke, my pipi was fluorescent yellow !! I was kinda concerned but kept on drinking it... lol )
I didn't even know how regular coke tasted like... neither sprite or other stuff like that...
I felt better ( like I was already doing healthy choices before reading this book) and reassured myself thinking that DIET soda was the way to go...
I keep reading : "Now, don't go patting yourself in the back if you drink diet soda. That stuff is even worse. Aspartame(...) has been blamed for a slew of scary maladies..... "( list follows.. )
And there, I am like: " Shit!! I have to give up my COKE Zero too "

I keep on reading ... excited about what else I will have to give up on to be a Skinny Bitch ...

Follows : " 'Dont talk to me until I have had my morning coffee.' Uhm.... Pathetic ! Coffee is for pussies. Think about how widely accepted it has become that people NEED coffee to wake up. You should not NEED anything to wake up. If you can't wake up without it it's because you are either addicted to caffeine, sleep deprived, or a generally unhealthy slob. It may seem like the end of the world to give up your daily dose, especially if you rely on Starbucks as a good place to meet men"
I started laughing ! I love those girls ! I wish i had friends like them !
Of course they do explain to you why coffee sucks...
( i let you discover it by yourself )

Follows some hilarious and SO TRUE paragraphs about junk food, ((" no one never got skinny on junk food" " Not only they are bogged down with saturated fats, sugars, hydrogenated oils, calories, and cholesterol, but they also contain enough chemical residues to put hair on your chest" )), "fat free" foods, and all the chemicals and poisonous ingredients in them (("whenever you see the words'fat free' or 'low fat', think of the words 'chemical shit storm' " )), pills ( over the counter drugs " Do you think putting CHEMICALS in your body is good for you? Every medicine comes complete with a list of side effects. That means that taking medicine will make you feel better for the moment, but will fuck up something else in your body" ), and a brief summary about the benefices of working out ((" Give up the notion that you can be sedentary and still lose weigh. You need to exercise, you lazy shit." ))

I already know it...
I have a hard time putting it down, and its already time to go to work... I am taking this book with me at work, for sure... I need to read more ....
I am addicted to knowing all about what they have to say.... One of the author has a Masters of Science degree in Holistic nutrition, and all they affirm in the book come from very serious and most of the time, medical journal and sources ( at the end of the book you will find out that all the facts they put out there do not come from their imagination but from numerous sources that they list )

They are becoming my best friends !

I will carefully read the book until the last page... taking briefly notes about what is good and bad, and why...

As soon as I was done with the book, I remember, it was a Friday morning, I ran to WHOLE FOODS MARKET in South Miami and bought all kind of healthy, organic, whole foods, ...
Upon exiting the supermarket, I felt in me this satisfying feeling that I was doing the right thing, I hadn't even put that stuff in my mouth yet that I was already feeling better and healthier. I was very happy and all excited about cooking all those veggies and grains I had never seen or even heard about before ... I do love to cook ... I could spend days and nights cooking so for me it was a new journey full of healthy discoveries and tasty surprises !

Before realizing it ... I was becoming a VEGAN !

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